Child coloring.

United Way of York County is on a mission to assist working households on their journey toward financial stability.

With that mission in mind, we've introduced childcare programs to help York County families access high-quality learning opportunities at an affordable cost.


Early Childhood Education Scholarship Program 

United Way of York County values how positive early learning experiences can affect a child for their lifetime.
United Way supports York County families on their journey towards finding affordable quality early learning
experiences for their children. Our goal is to assist working households on their journey toward financial stability.

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Children aged 6 weeks through 5 years of age.
  • The child must attend a Keystone STARS 3 or 4 center to be eligible.
  • The parent/child must either reside or be employed by a company located in York County.
  • Parents/guardians receiving the Child Care Works subsidy are ineligible to apply.
  • Households must have an income of no more than $100,000. 

ECE Scholarships Info Session Webinar

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Every Child Has Opportunities (ECHO)

United Way of York County is a proud funding partner in Every Child Has Opportunities (ECHO). This is an early childhood education initiative led by Community Connections for Children and York County Economic Alliance.

The goal of ECHO is to double the number of children from low-income families in York County who have access to high-quality early childhood education. This is equivalent to 1,600 additional 0-6-year-olds. Together, we will utilize a strategic and targeted approach, addressing immediate, crisis issues while developing solutions to long-term, chronic issues.

For more information, please visit

Made Possible By:


ECE Scholarship Sponsors

The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation