Campaign 2022 Kick Off


United Way of York County Campaign Kicks-Off Its Annual Campaign

United Way of York County invites community members to join its annual campaign starting on August 26, 2022. From the end of August through December, workplaces across York County will be participating with their own campaigns. Workplace campaign donors are joined by individual donors all dedicated to changing lives across our One York Community.   

Last year, thanks to our generous community, United Way of York County programs impacted the lives of 1 in every 8 people in York County as it works to equitably advance education, health, and economic mobility. 

Lives Like Shawn's

Shawn dropped out of high school before he graduated. “Back in 2014, I got in a little bit of trouble. I wanted to get my GED. I got a hold of a GED prep program through United Way of York County. Now, I have a job that pays really good. I wouldn’t have that without my GED. If it wasn’t for United Way, I don’t know where I’d be. Now, I’ve got more than I could ask for. I even donate every week in my paycheck.” 


Watch Shawn's Story

A Message from our President

Blonde woman smiling“Now is the time for us to come together as a community and feel empowered to help our neighbors and those who have not fared well from the changes of the past two years,” said Anne Druck, president. “Giving to the York County Impact Fund ensures that your dollars stay local and are funding programs with proven results. Some of our programs have 100% success rates and could use funds to grow. We invite our entire community to join in supporting our friends and neighbors.”

Changing lives starts with you! Help your neighbors and friends by visiting to find all the ways to get involved with this year’s campaign.