United Way of York County is on a mission to assist working households on their journey toward financial stability.
With that mission in mind, we’re supporting transportation programs that provide York County households with safe, reliable, and useful transportation.
Investing in Solutions
In 2025, United Way of York County will offer two distinct funding opportunities to address transportation challenges in York County, each tailored to different goals and approaches:
Ride United Micro Grants will provide targeted support to sustain and expand existing transportation programs that directly assist ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) households. These micro grants focus on immediate, practical solutions to meet current transportation needs.
Transportation Innovation Grants will fund new and forward-thinking initiatives designed to create systemic change and deliver county-wide impact. This funding stream supports bold ideas, pilot programs, and groundbreaking collaborations that tackle long-term transportation challenges.
Applications for Ride United Micro Grants will open on June 2, 2025, while applications for Transporation Innovation Grants will open on August 1, 2025. Check back in early summer for the full Request for Proposals.
York County Transportation Study
To understand the transportation challenges facing York County residents, United Way of York County, in partnership with Fourth Economy Consulting, initiated a countywide Transportation Study. This study examines the experiences of people who travel within the county, and derives recommendations to improve transportation access and quality for all.
To read the Study in its entirety, please click the link below.